Wednesday, 2 May 2012

What's right about the Right against what's left of the Left

French politics are boring and predictable. For the last 30 years it has become redundant and stereotyped. None of the parties are really willing to provide real solutions or projects for the future. Instead they keep on providing exactly what their usual voters want to hear. Marketing rules now.

Mini Rights and Mini Lefts exist as the first round of the French Presidential election showed. Too revolutionary with their propositions. Each and every one of them demonstrates rightfully needed changes but none of thempresent a real, full commitment for large scale politics. Utopic propositions without a real plan, many of themrealistic and in fact needed but again, nobody wants drastic changes without security. At least the majority of the people. Surely taking some of those little political parties for specific jobs within the future goverment would be a great asset for France but that's politic’s « all or nothing »: If you are not on my side, I'll choose someone less qualified and more into my mainstream ideas for the job.

The second round of elections brings a new « same o same o » cosy feeling. Two mainstream asceptic typical parties are running the last kilometer to the finish line. Their names, as their usual speeches, are not important.The Right hammers loudly about immigration and security as they don't offer real changes while governing. The Left claims for social equity and more money for all. During their speeches they avoid the ideals of their opponents. No Left will try to explain their plans to fight against immigration and security. On the other side the Right would never defend an equal social planning nor money justice. A tedious campaign goes along when everybody goes defending his own ideas and suspected demagogy. The Left will succeed to the Right completing a 5 years vicious circle in the name of change. Then the excuse will come like: we couldn't change all that we wanted because of the previous owners and the economy was doing so bad we had no chances to act.Till the next election comes.

The Right is right, the immigration flow cannot be fully open as it was after WWII. The French boat is overpopulated now and there is not enough work to accept more and more people jumping on it. The Left raises the alarm of racism and so on. This is as usual as that they defend more of the social help for the minorities without actually making a difference between the good and the bad minorities. In return, the Right defends the repression of the baddies. Normal. None of them search to provide politics aiming to actually perform results. Meanwhile, the country slowly goes down. France has to decide between following the Right politics and provide more control to the rich while also providing less rights to the commons or, go with the Left flow and provide better social rights for the vast majority with no control at all.

Change is needed indeed. But there is not one that will merely change the path 180°. Sarkozy’s politics must be humanized and heterogeneous. The Left needs to be realistic with their choices and make a difference between being fair and being laxists. Who wins in this battle? The Far Right. Unfortunately they represent a real change. And a will to change. If their positions about Europe and protectionism were not the one they defend, I'm sure they would have gone further than the 17,9% they got. Going against the Europe concept is futile and stupid. We don't need to get out but to really get in. Europe will only profit from having common laws and structures, not the lobbies, the great partners of the politicians. Also protectionism won't last long against the moving Europe. Protecting European companies and avoiding the fact that those same companies re-open in China, India or countries like Romania where labor is cheaper, will also be more effective. Even without those badchoices, the Far Right attracts more and more people who are fed up with the political Status Quo of the Left/Right continuing being set on repeat. A change is bad, or worse, with Marine le Pen (which is by the way an artistic name of her real one, Marion le Pen).

The Far Left? They too have good and bad ideas but the French Media only represent the Right and the Left andthe Far Right during the campaigns, leaving the other groups as mere entertainment for the masses, being onlyreferenced to as comic relief of the « real » politics.

Left and Right are here to stay in power and allow a false sense of democracy to the commons. The Far Right is the pepper of this tasteless plate. Also it's a warranty that in case of one of the usual finalists won't make it, the new contender will be defeated with no problems. Because when the Far Right has a real chance of being in theGovernment whole of France (except some 15 to 25%) says no. Going on a final duel against them is the same as a Victory.

The day another party will be competing with either Left or Right it will be an historical moment of change. One that could lead to the reforms needed for a new Republic state. For now it's just a National game of musical chairs between them. The upcoming 6th of this month May the game of the same music will restart for another 5 more years.