Saturday, 14 September 2019

Alone you go faster, together we go further

Long time no see, dear few readers.

Life has been a downhill experience the last year and a half but a good one.

More like a full restart with a lot of of clarifying moments in order to clean up both my act and the people I hanged with and, by association, defined me.

Starting anew can be seen as a terrible thing or can be taken as a great opportunity for improvement, which I am aiming for. Having that say, and knowing how much I like to voice my peculiar way of thinking, now is a good moment to expand in two different ways:

1 - Focusing on other themes on this blog as how to, social curiosities, tips and tricks and even recipes. To be honest anything else that I have been writing so far. Not as a substitution but as an addition instead.

2 - Bringing more voices to this blog, and not necessarily ones that I agree with. One of most dangerous time in peace is when you only wish to listen to your own opinions expressed by others (looking at you Antifa, Fascists and religious groups) instead of reaching out to reach compromises.

I am looking forward to hear back from some of you (you know who you are) and publish something you wrote (except of course calls to arms, discrimination etc. the usual stuff).

See you soon!