Saturday, 3 June 2017

Trump is out of the Paris accord and he is right

We keep on restricting countries to do what they want but we currently allow companies like Exxon, Apple and Starbucks to produce in several countries, increasing pollution and trash all over the planet. Just look around you in a city - which companies trash do you see the most of? At the end, these companies make more money for the famous 1% leaving their host countries a mess and/or with garbage everywhere.

Even Monsanto says no to pollution but destroys more nature that we can account for around the world. Stop the bullshit. Really.
Apple mines for rare materials and destroys the environment in every country they are related to. Besides enslaving Chinese workers for the sake of yearly Iphones. Exxon... Should I really spell it out for you? Honestly?

Profit is master and businesses do not care about the environment. Just like you. Yes. You like to think you are green and ecologically minded because you say "I am for the reduction of the green house effect". Good. Now show it. What about those little pads for your Nespresso machine? Terrible, terrible. Those cigarettes you smoke? Do you recycle the butts? Those clothes you buy at Primark - do you know how they´re made? And whose children made them? Those products from among other Mondelēz International with palm oil, did you know that the use of this oil is equal to taking down rain forest in order to plant more of these palms to create more palm oil? 
All the pollution comes from an excess of useless production, but are you ready to not buy a car every year? Or to not buy the newest year model of TV, smartphone, audio or video system? Do you really need so many clothes and shoes? Do you really need to buy prepared food with ingredients from the other side of the world (like the ones with palm oil)? Or to every day have fresh fruit coming from exotic places? Do you really want to not create tons of trash a year with the fast-food industry packaging (and boldly considering that you are in fact also eating trash)?

No worries. You are against Trump and his non-adherence to the Paris accord. Damn it feels good to be a good person.

You want to change the climate? Fine. Just start by taking measures yourself. Make less trash to destroy Earth yourself.

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