Finally the 46th President of the USA has been sworn in.
Kamala Harris is now de facto the new President of the USA, despite losing the primary to Biden after being obliterated by Tulsi Gabbard in a now iconic debate. This was the turning point of the Democratic primary that showed that the real candidate was Tulsi Gabbard rather than any of the old guard represented by Biden and Sanders.
North America has chosen a President, despite the refusal of the establishment to check on the accusation of foul play. Believing in that or not, the fact that the same Media that sold us the Iraq war (remember Colin Powell showing the proof of weapons of mass destruction at the UN in 2003?), refused to link Bill Clinton to sexual abuse (Epstein, Monica Lewinsky, etc.), refused to talk about allegations of rigged elections or that a proper recount linked to a paper trail was not authorized is disturbing. If this would happen in Africa we would have sent the UN.
But enough of the past, let's look at the not so bright future for the US.
Biden is for now the "de facto" President but Biden may not even make it through his first 100 days and even die before they end. In any case he won't be able to make it through till the end of his mandate. Kamala Harris will sooner or later become the first woman President of the United states despite losing all the elections for it. Leaving much more competent women away from what they were born to do. Instead we will get an opportunist that will only serve the usual lobbies besides herself.
For the next four years, alongside a Kamala Harris as President we will get a corporate America that will oppose Trump in 2024. Probably within a new party and a new face: Ivanka Trump Americans for freedom. Woman, Trumpist and ready to solve the problems that this current admistration will bring. She probably won't be the answer either. But there will be many issues during the next four years:
Somehow it will be of uttermost importance to save the world to invade one of the famous Wesley Clark seven: Iraq (done), Syria (botched but kinda done), Lebanon, Libya (done), Somalia (still needs to be done), Sudan, or Iran (the crown jewel that is probably not invadable). More troops are moving into Syria and Iraq as this article is being written. Many more. War is the real motor of the US economy. Ever since they have existed as a country Uncle Sam has been stampeding the world for their own good. Yes even the holy saint WW II. But that's another story.
Freedom of speech Vs Corporate America
Tech companies will decide who can talk, who can have a website. President will follow the orders of the same lobbies that hide his campaign failures and misshaps with the excuse of fighting fake news (basically anything not manufactured by the mainstream news. Being conservative will be like being a communists in the 50's or a hippy in the 60's. A transition from journalism to Corporate's PR will be swift. Witch hunt 2.0 will be in force. Anything that doesn't follow the political mantra, trend and is socially acceptable will be rejected. You will be labelled racist and will be removed from social life altogether. A new kind of Apartheid.
But if you want to ban child porn from twitter, it won't work.
If you are Google and don't want to share the benefits you take from operating in a country, you can threaten a country or strike a deal with the cowards in the French government.
You can also let people die till the candidate you like win the elections offering your services to help against COVID relief. Of course there is a catch, it is mainly to be authorized to have free hands in the future with a new kind of private medical centers. Or you can avocate electronic vote for your opponents but refuse it for yourself. Amazon, I mean Jeff Bezos claims that "that in-person voting is needed for a “valid and fair” election". It wasn't the same mantra last year.
Or you can try to pave the way to have control over the data of all of users only to see this request backfire (Facebook, whatsapp). After years of failing to not share, and make money, with your users data. I am almost surprised. This is a Daenerys move from Mark Zuckerberg.
Gender equality
Transgender man to woman will take over women's sport with ease under Biden. It has actually started. Strangely the feminists that were against Trump since day 1 are nowhere to be found. Equality will be applauded but competence won't be king. Just a quota to have in mind. No real equity in the horizon as usual. All this fight for gender equality is just sand in our eyes to forget that CEO salaries and perks have grown over 940% since 1978 while the worker salary has risen only 12% during that time. Cry wolf if a man makes more than a woman but please forget that the rich are richer and the poor poorer.
Corporate gains
Insulin is already higher than under the bad orange man. But Biden is the man of the people! I am sure more situations like this will happen and anything Russian will be heavily taxed and embargoed. Especially European attempts to reconnect with Russia. It kinda worked with Cuba and Iran, so maybe Russia will bow at some point? China will be the friend next door. More connections with the Biden family and China will be found. Watch this to see where we are going. I mean, where we already are, since Lobbying is actually legal in the US of A.
US politics
Same O same O. Nothing will really change. Electoral College, gerrymandering, dual party system, same -win a state to win all the vote-... But a huge care will be give to give the correct pronoun, name and non offensive denomination to minorities. Unity will be the word. Reality will be getting back at any Trump supporter by every single means possible. Removing any possibility of Trump being relected in 2024. Because Democracy is not letting the people choose who they want but providing them with the choices you, as government believe to be the only good ones. If you, as governement and mainstream politicians, would do your job right, nobody would vote for Trump. How dare he try to get a piece of the pie the usual millionaires are in?
Joe Biden, October 2020: “I’m going to shut down the virus.”Joe Biden, January 2021, on his vaccination plan: “Gimme a break, come on man.” Once again another campaign lie. Now elected he can tell the world there is no stopping to this virus from his actions or noexistent plan. Of course all the blame will be on Trump for what he did or did not do previously.
Imigration and racism.
All aboard the American Train to success! No control, just white cards given to all that ask. Europe is so much richer since the Open Border Policy started. Expect the same. BLM was another political movement leading to nowhere and will continue that way. Reparation for the Native American won't even be mentioned. If someone needs to be compensated first, its all of them. Find a way, like for Mount Rushmore. No effort will be spent to compensate all the countries the US destabilised in the past (most of South and Central American countries). That's also something that somehow the Democrats never mentioned: if the USA would never have meddled in their neighbours politics they wouldn't be in the poor state they are now. But those pesky natives wanted to own and get rich with the many resources the americans (like in USA, not like in continental America) wanted to get rich with!
International Affair
Such friendly. Wow Paris accord. Amazing friend. While the Western World continues to destroy its industry we order factories over the rest of the world to do everything we need not look at any environmental solution for their countries and safety. India, China, Pakistan, African continent... nobody cares what happens there because we eat tofu and have a Tesla.
Now that our industrialization in urban centers is over we want to be a no polution planet. I am not sure the 1900's Europe and US would say yes sure! And slave work in China is not a problem because China is friend, Russia is bad. Did I mention Russia is bad and to blame for everything wrong happening in the US? They have spies everywhere and want to destroy the Western Way of life, damn commies (Again, China is friend, not commie, just friend).
I am also looking forward to see what good will come out of this next four years of establishment.
Like halting the construction of the wall. I am actually in favour of a wall to protect borders. But not as it currently was. Destroying sacred native american land is not the way to do it. Otherwise... I haven't seen anything that Biden could be proud of. He probably doesn't even know what executive orders he's signing anyway.
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