1989. 9th of November.
The Berlin Wall fell. A brand new world opened. Both ways. East and West started to learn about each other, sharing the same world as main property. Soon the East was West-ernised, not to say America-nized, and all seemed to be running well... Was it? Well... Bad habits die hard and cultural shocks were slowly taking over the situation. Instead of a wall there was now a chasm.
East Germany is a beautiful country, I have found in it a wonderful and amazing set of people. Some are foreigners and many are Germans but all are incredible.
I could have made a blog about France or Portugal in the same manner as this one. But I didn't.
I want to write about the here and now. About today. Because here in East Germany I am a total stranger. I don't belong here. And that´s why things struck me harder. It is challenging living abroad sometimes being a foreigner. There are those little and not so little things occurring that are completely awkward for the non-locals, some situations and reactions are just not being permitted in the general sense. Others are just funny - as funny as my way of living may sound to them.
So this is what this blog is all about.
I'll be writing about my own experiences and some of others who prefer to be kept in the dark due to possibles "Du hast alles kaputt gemacht" moments and other disagreements. Of course I'll keep this open to some possibly known quality writers and expecting some of you to join in later on. A bit of fun, some anger and many cultural differences which are worth mentioning. Real moments in the life of the persons it crossed. I don't mean to be rude or disgraceful after the blessings Germany has given to me and still is, but some things have to be shared.
Some good other bad but all in all these were situations making me believe as I was experiencing them that I was finding myself in a "Twilight Zone" episode.
Image from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Berlin_fallofwall_emerson.jpg
je ne peux pas attendre what is to follow on this Page! xxx
ReplyDeleteWaouh, there is so much pink on the page ! My eyes, ouch ;)
ReplyDeleteBut I like how this color suits your picture ^^
More seriously, I'm curious about this blog :)
hahaha I think I'll need to be kept in the dark... better for the health of my family :-p
ReplyDelete(dá p/mudar o blog p/ingles ao invés de frances?)
I have to agree with Chris^^,the pink makes the eyes heart. But I liked the idea a lot. I hope I will participate soon, when I have material I'll let you know.
ReplyDeleteLu ^_^